Access and education

This is a great talk from Tressie McMillan Cottom at the 26th International Council for Open & Distance Education (2015) on the relationship between increasing access to education and the reproduction of socioeconomic inequalites. Her talk looks beyone simple physical access to examine  questions of equity, equality and social justice. While she acknowledges the physical barriers to … Read more

Goals for technology in education

This looks like a really interesting conference in Aarhus University from where this tweet on goals for technology in education caught my eye.   Three ambitious goals for how to further expand the productive use of technology in education. #educationdisrupted — Nicki Brøchner (@Brochner) November 21, 2018 While there’s much to agree with here, there … Read more

Social Media Analytics – research question

My topic is mapping a controversy in higher education in the UK. The controversy centres on the Open University (but does have wider implications) and the particular challenges around financial sustainability it faces and related to the appointment of Peter Horrocks as Vice Chancellor back in 2015. This all came to a head in early … Read more

Block chain – a candle in the wind?

An interesting post from Donald Clark on Blockchain in learning and education here. I’ve still to see a single implementation in learning that is worth the candle. In truth education and training does not want to be decentralised and democratised or disintermediated, as almost everyone in the field works in an institutions that will protect themselves … Read more

What makes for an excellent higher education learning environment?

I am currently reading a study on academic micro-cultures from Lunds University that describes an excellent learning environment as including: … a positive departmental climate, a good sense of a collegial “we”, continuous and deliberate discussions about educational issues, strong research achievements and active collaboration with other parts of the university and with the society. This reminded … Read more

Digital Education Seminar: Professor Joel Smith, ‘The Eye of the Needle: New Understandings of the Complex Barriers to Instructional Innovation with Technology’

Professor Joel Smith is Distinguished Career Teaching Professor in philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University and is currently the co-principal investigator of a research project on barriers and affordances to implementation of instructional innovations titled is currently the co-principal investigator of a research project on barriers and affordances to implementation of instructional innovations titled “Understanding and Overcoming Institutional Roadblocks … Read more

Beyond Computing and 21st Century Skills. What’s missing?

This is a video of a Research Centre for Digital Education seminar from 2nd March that went ahead virtually due to #snowmageddon. The seminar was from Peter Rich from Brigham Young University on computational thinking as a new literacy that enhances the application of the skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking and communication that are … Read more

Promoting the Effective Digital Education Organisation

The Promoting Effective Digital-Age Learning report from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission gives a competence framework for digitally competent educations organisations. The report positions digital education as an important component of European economic competitiveness by boosting digital skills and promoting online and distance education and training to improve regional human capital and innovation … Read more

My future research areas

In preparation for a meeting, I identified my future research areas in the field of digital education and learning linked with future teaching/ professional development offers. These two main areas are underpinned by the extension of the use of the interdisciplinary methods mix developed for my PhD: (i) in digital education strategy with a focus … Read more

Micro-Learning and Learning Analytics to Improve Student Self-Reflection

With Dr Christopher Cheong from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Chritopher’s work is concerned with how we enhance students’ experiences of learning and how they can become better engaged and motivated as they self-regulate their learning. He is based in the School of Business IT and Logistics.   These rough notes were taken during the presentation to … Read more