Analysing TAGS datasets in to Tableau

This post on analysing a TAGs dataset using Tableau is a continuation of earlier posts on social media analytics here and here. It’s worth noting that Tableau Public cannot be used here as it is against Twitter’s Terms of Service. This post is really to act as notes for my own use but I thought they … Read more

Identity work in an online professional community

As a nice start to the New Year I have an article published in Human Resource Development International on professional identity and identity-work in open online communities. The article is available here and the abstract reads: Defining Human Resource Development (HRD) as either a scholarly domain or field of practice is widely recognised as problematic. This article investigates … Read more

Social Media Analytics – research question

My topic is mapping a controversy in higher education in the UK. The controversy centres on the Open University (but does have wider implications) and the particular challenges around financial sustainability it faces and related to the appointment of Peter Horrocks as Vice Chancellor back in 2015. This all came to a head in early … Read more

Google Alert for the Soul

See on – Network learning Peter Evans‘s insight: An interesting but unconvincing argument presented here. The corrupting influence of consumerism on authenticity appears to be to be based on a ‘straw man’ argument accepting identity as individual. The corruption is due to the colonisation of self-actualisation by consumerism. Yet, arguably, the idea of an … Read more

Freelance Film workers in Beirut: An Ethnographic Network Analysis by Arek Dakessian,

These are some rough notes on this presentation from a series of seminars run by the Social Network Analysis Group in Scotland (SNAS). The intro to the talk states: Arek is a first year PhD student in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, and his research mainly revolves around networks of cultural production in cities, … Read more

Social network: knowledge and learning at work

Here are my slides from a workshop held for the University Forum for Human Resource Development (UHRD) Social media and workplace learning & knowledge from Peter Evans My talk was followed by Amy Woodgate talking about the University of Edinburgh‘s experience with MOOCs. There is a detailed report on the University’s first round of MOOCs … Read more

Notes from Twitter and Microblogging – part 3. 10 April

Uses and risks of micro-blogging in organisations by Soureh Latif Shabgahi from Sheffield University The research focused on SMEs as these may be more receptive to business improvement interventions. However, initial research found larger organisations as early adopters of enterprise micro-bloggers (EMB). Found little research on EMB, especially in the UK. Research has tended to focus on communications … Read more

Notes from Twitter and Microblogging: Political, Professional and Personal Practices. 10 April

These are notes from the Twitter and Micro-blogging conference at Lancaster University.  The full programme can be found on Lanyard. The Twitter hastag is #LUTwit Introduction started from @JuliaGillen with the general acknowledgements, thanks and background to the conference. In particular, the conference emerged from the interests of the Linguistics dept in social media and … Read more

Flock: meet, learn, teach… locally

Last Friday (28 Sept) , I went to an interesting presentation at InSpace which included a presentation from Morna Simpson, CEO of Flockedu. Flockedu aims to link teachers and adult learners for face-to-face learning with a tag line of “meet, learn, teach… locally”. The idea for the company started with a personal injury that coincided … Read more