What makes for an excellent higher education learning environment?

I am currently reading a study on academic micro-cultures from Lunds University that describes an excellent learning environment as including: … a positive departmental climate, a good sense of a collegial “we”, continuous and deliberate discussions about educational issues, strong research achievements and active collaboration with other parts of the university and with the society. This reminded … Read more

Learning entrepreneurship through coworking

I have been reading Tom Butcher’s paper on Learning everyday entrepreneurial practices through coworking. I was interested in this partly as coworking is a specific manifestation of wider changes in the economy associated with the knowledge and/ or ‘weightless’ economy and with increasingly atomised and precarious workforce. As this paper notes, coworking can be a site of experimentation of new … Read more

Line manager role identity as facilitators of learning

Paul Campbell from Scottish Water and I have a new article published:  Paul Campbell , Peter Evans , (2016) “Reciprocal benefits, legacy and risk: Applying Ellinger and Bostrom’s model of line manager role identity as facilitators of learning”, European Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 40 Iss: 2, pp.74 – 89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/EJTD-01-2015-0007 The abstract of the … Read more

What is wrong with ‘Technology Enhanced Learning’


Last Friday I attended a Digital Cultures & Education research group presentation by Sian Bayne on her recent article What’s the matter with ‘Technology Enhanced Learning’? These are my notes taken during the presentation and then tidied up later – so they may well be limit, partial and mistaken! While Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is … Read more

Unbundling higher education

These are my notes from a seminar by Amy Collier, Stanford University  titled The Good, the Bad and the Unbundled on 27 August 2014. These notes were taken live and then cleaned up a bit, links added etc. but they remain a bit partial and sketchy in places.  For a more thoughtful and reflective take on the presentation, … Read more

Learning techniques – for education and life

An interesting and useful read from Harold Jarche on learning techniques framed in terms of PKM and sense-making. As with many areas of knowledge and learning, the post (and the research article cited – and summarised here) highlight the tendency towards shallow learning techniques and the avoidance of the more valuable, but harder, techniques of … Read more

MOOCs automation, artificial intelligence and educational agents

Geoge Veletsianos is speaking at a seminar hosted by DiCE research group at University of Edinburgh. The hastag for the event is #edindice and the subject is MOOCs, automation and artificial intelligence. [These notes were taken live and I’ve retained the typos, poor syntax and grammer etc… some may call that ‘authentic’!]   George began … Read more

Professional learning, informal learning and ‘wicked’ problems [2]

Following up on my previous post on learning and wicked problems here, the following diagram summarises a learning process in non-routines knowledge work. Again, this comes from Peter Sloep’s Chapter on Networked Professional Learning in Littlejohn, A. and Margaryan, A. (2014) Technology Enhanced Professional Learning: Processes, Practices and Tools. London: Routledge. What I like about the … Read more

Mobile learning at work

An interesting post from Graham Attwell on mobile learning that quotes Donald Clark: Training Magazine’s annual survey of US L&D professionals shows that just 1.5% of training was delivered via mobile devices. That’s right, after about 7 years of hype and discussion we’ve reached 1.5%. That’s not leaping. That’s trench warfare. The issue here is partly … Read more