Ethnographic study of experiences online

I came across this quote in Veletsianos Open practices and identity: Evidence from researchers and educators’ social media participation which strikes me as a useful approach to auto-ethnographic research of (online) experiences in different contexts: This study was influenced by cyberethnography (Ward, 1999) and virtual ethnography (Hine, 2000). However, unlike these analytical approaches, and akin to Watulak (2011), instead of doing ethnography (Green … Read more

Micro-Learning and Learning Analytics to Improve Student Self-Reflection

With Dr Christopher Cheong from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Chritopher’s work is concerned with how we enhance students’ experiences of learning and how they can become better engaged and motivated as they self-regulate their learning. He is based in the School of Business IT and Logistics.   These rough notes were taken during the presentation to … Read more

Working, learning and employability

Just came across this great quote from Esko Kilpi (via Peter Goodyear): Post-industrial work is learning. Work is figuring out how to define and solve a particular problem and then scaling up the solution in a reflective and iterative way – with technology and alongside other people. The world is complex and standardised and procedural … Read more

What do you use to collate your learning?

I’ve been looking at ePortfolios recently. Partly as a project I’m working on uses an ePortfolio for technician language learners  – which I’ve written more on here – but also I’ve become more interested in the importance of curation in e-learning. But ePortfolios just never really seemed to work for me. As Martin Weber stated: They … Read more