Notes for a Friday [4]

This week has been a lot of ‘heads down’ course designing and building type work. I did find the following of interest: Fostering online learning “research into online learning almost univocally agrees that…well-designed courses with interactive content..continuous educator involvement..timely, and formative feedback are the most promising approaches to fostering learning in online environments”— Neil … Read more

Notes for a Friday [3]

Two items for this week: Reflective practice This post makes a clear case for the importance of reflective practice as contributing to the effectiveness of online learning. While the use of diverse digital tools for the capture of immediate reflections, to ensure effective learning is important, further development of these reflections in to more substantive, … Read more

Notes for a Friday [2]

Three bits of news and content that caught my eye this week: Accreditation and lifelong learning A new post from at on the relations between accreditation, digital education and lifelong learning. The post is mainly concerned with access to education and social mobility in the context of Covid and so makes the case for … Read more

Institutional resilience

Sketchnote snippet

This is an initial #sketchnote drafted as I re-engage with the conceptualisation of this project. The project aims to develop approaches to enhancing education institutions (rather than individual) resilience in teaching & learning. Like much else, the project stalled as priorities changed to respond to the pandemic. The project draws on concepts of institutional resilience, … Read more

Opportunities for reassembling higher education

During this period of remote working, I’m reminded of Martin Oliver’s (2015) argument for the importance and value for higher education of the co-location of learners, researchers, teachers, spaces, libraries and so on. These bases of values are now being eroded, problematised and reframed in the pivot to remote teaching. Oliver discusses such value creation … Read more

The Pivot to online learning? Supporting students as communities of learners

Avatars in second life sitting around a campfire

This useful Twitter thread from Kate Symons on advice students to engage in online learning. This is an important aspect of successful online learning and too often neglected. This neglect may be as a result of the lazy assumptions regarding the digital native. While the idea of a generational break in digital capabilities has clearly … Read more

Learning design for higher education

This is a really useful thread of learning design frameworks in higher education. A thread compiling #LearningDesign #frameworks, #toolkits and other delights in #HigherEducation – please add to — Danielle M Hinton, SFHEA (@hintondm) February 21, 2019 This has proved to be a popular thread and compiles a good list of useful resources. A … Read more

Analysing TAGS datasets in to Tableau

This post on analysing a TAGs dataset using Tableau is a continuation of earlier posts on social media analytics here and here. It’s worth noting that Tableau Public cannot be used here as it is against Twitter’s Terms of Service. This post is really to act as notes for my own use but I thought they … Read more