Notes for a Friday [2]

Three bits of news and content that caught my eye this week: Accreditation and lifelong learning A new post from at on the relations between accreditation, digital education and lifelong learning. The post is mainly concerned with access to education and social mobility in the context of Covid and so makes the case for … Read more

The Pivot to online learning? Supporting students as communities of learners

Avatars in second life sitting around a campfire

This useful Twitter thread from Kate Symons on advice students to engage in online learning. This is an important aspect of successful online learning and too often neglected. This neglect may be as a result of the lazy assumptions regarding the digital native. While the idea of a generational break in digital capabilities has clearly … Read more

What makes for an excellent higher education learning environment?

I am currently reading a study on academic micro-cultures from Lunds University that describes an excellent learning environment as including: … a positive departmental climate, a good sense of a collegial “we”, continuous and deliberate discussions about educational issues, strong research achievements and active collaboration with other parts of the university and with the society. This reminded … Read more