Beyond Computing and 21st Century Skills. What’s missing?

This is a video of a Research Centre for Digital Education seminar from 2nd March that went ahead virtually due to #snowmageddon. The seminar was from Peter Rich from Brigham Young University on computational thinking as a new literacy that enhances the application of the skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking and communication that are … Read more

Skills 2.0

Following the previous post on a paper on collaborative workplace, this paper from Harold Jarche has an interesting overview on the skills, attitudes and aptitudes for knowledge workers. The paper reflects many of the conclusions from the Anecdote paper (see my post on this paper here) but rather looking at the individual and technology. I … Read more

Project manager competences

Was pointed to this post on PM Hut from Raven’s Brain on project management skills and competences. The emphasis on the ‘softer’ people management skills: be a leader and a manager be a team builder and a team leader be a negotiator and an influencer be an excellent communicator alongside other skills you’d expect in … Read more