Goals for technology in education

This looks like a really interesting conference in Aarhus University from where this tweet on goals for technology in education caught my eye.   Three ambitious goals for how to further expand the productive use of technology in education. #educationdisrupted pic.twitter.com/a1vIEEN3Br — Nicki Brøchner (@Brochner) November 21, 2018 While there’s much to agree with here, there … Read more

Promoting the Effective Digital Education Organisation

The Promoting Effective Digital-Age Learning report from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission gives a competence framework for digitally competent educations organisations. The report positions digital education as an important component of European economic competitiveness by boosting digital skills and promoting online and distance education and training to improve regional human capital and innovation … Read more

Enactivist workplace learning

I’ve just read Lundgren et al (2018) Conceptualizing reflection in experience-based workplace learning . The authors refer to an enactivist perspective on workplace learning whereby learning is generated in “mutual interaction of the learner and environment or context with each changing, possibly in divergent ways, through their interconnections” (p.314). So learning is an effect of interactions … Read more