Learning for the future of work

I’ve been looking at the SITRA studies on Perspectives on new work: exploring emerging conceptualisations edited by Esko Kilpi which includes lots of different perspectives on learning and the future of work and is a really interesting read The study explores learning and work in the knowledge-based or weightless economy and knowledge work where such work is understood as … Read more

My future research areas

In preparation for a meeting, I identified my future research areas in the field of digital education and learning linked with future teaching/ professional development offers. These two main areas are underpinned by the extension of the use of the interdisciplinary methods mix developed for my PhD: (i) in digital education strategy with a focus … Read more

Enactivist workplace learning

I’ve just read Lundgren et al (2018) Conceptualizing reflection in experience-based workplace learning . The authors refer to an enactivist perspective on workplace learning whereby learning is generated in “mutual interaction of the learner and environment or context with each changing, possibly in divergent ways, through their interconnections” (p.314). So learning is an effect of interactions … Read more

A toolkit for learning

I’m in the process of reviewing the various digital tools I use for learning at work. Jane Harts’ Modern Professional Learner’s Toolkit framework as used by Harold Jarche, Brian Quinn and Mike Taylor looks like a useful starting point. Browsers & search engines: I mainly use Firefox Quantum and Google although I’m getting used to DuckDuckGo but I’m not familiar enough with it … Read more