Skills 2.0

Following the previous post on a paper on collaborative workplace, this paper from Harold Jarche has an interesting overview on the skills, attitudes and aptitudes for knowledge workers. The paper reflects many of the conclusions from the Anecdote paper (see my post on this paper here) but rather looking at the individual and technology. I … Read more

Collaborative workplaces

An Australian consultancy, Anecdote, have recently published a very interesting paper on Building a Collaborative Workplace with Nancy White. There are some excellent sections, especially on what the authors call community collaboration – essentially communities of practice. The section on team collaboration was less compelling for me as seemed to duplicate generic team building rather … Read more

Complex projects – exploring and learning

Back on to the theme of exploration in project management, I came across an article from Ralph Stacey on strategy as order emerging from chaos – I think its a fairly old article from 1993 or so – which included an eight ‘step’ framework for managing in organisations drawing on complexity science. While the framework … Read more

Subject Matter Expertise in E-Learning – link

Dave’s Whiteboard » Blog Archive » SME? Not for me edit / delete on the ‘problem’ of expertise versus practical excellence in developing learning. I broadly agree with the post but have a concern that this approach reinforces inertia – the reinforement of “this is how we do things round here”. At some point, what … Read more

Enterprise 2.0 – it shouldn’t be about the technology

A nice post here from Stephen Dale about web 2.0 as the “blinding light of Web 2.0 hype seems to be obscuring the fact that the most important aspect in building any community (of interest or practice or whatever) is the people and NOT the technology. Though I do appear to be an increasingly isolated … Read more

I get knocked down, I get up again

Came across this post at Idea Sandbox on developing bullet proof plans: Measuring twice means making sure you’ve thought of all the things that could go wrong before you launch. It means making sure you’ve thought of all of your different audiences… not just the customer, but the salespeople as well. Do you have a … Read more