Learning entrepreneurship through coworking

I have been reading Tom Butcher’s paper on Learning everyday entrepreneurial practices through coworking. I was interested in this partly as coworking is a specific manifestation of wider changes in the economy associated with the knowledge and/ or ‘weightless’ economy and with increasingly atomised and precarious workforce. As this paper notes, coworking can be a site of experimentation of new … Read more

Creativity and Innovation

I’m following the Design Thinking and Creativity for Innovation course on EdX. The initial video with Tim Kastelle [http://timkastelle.org/] draws together creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation in improving ideas to create value whether for individuals or organisations. He quotes a definition of creativity as creating something that is both novel and ‘useful’ which seems to me to … Read more

Flock: meet, learn, teach… locally

Last Friday (28 Sept) , I went to an interesting presentation at InSpace which included a presentation from Morna Simpson, CEO of Flockedu. Flockedu aims to link teachers and adult learners for face-to-face learning with a tag line of “meet, learn, teach… locally”. The idea for the company started with a personal injury that coincided … Read more