Unbundling Higher Education

Returning to the topic of unbundling universities, this sketchnote is based on some of my notes from the Unbundling Higher Education Coursera course that I discussed here. The analytic approaches undertaken by the research project that underpins this MOOC gives a really useful starting point for studying the unbundling of universities. The study focused on … Read more

What is unbundling in higher education and why is it happening?

I’m starting the unbundling the university course on Future Learn. This course is an example of a MOOC as research dissemination activity as it based on the findings of the: The Unbundled University: Researching Emerging Models in an Unequal Landscape. The research project was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (UK) and National … Read more

Unbundling higher education

These are my notes from a seminar by Amy Collier, Stanford University  titled The Good, the Bad and the Unbundled on 27 August 2014. These notes were taken live and then cleaned up a bit, links added etc. but they remain a bit partial and sketchy in places.  For a more thoughtful and reflective take on the presentation, … Read more