Notes for a Friday [3]

Two items for this week: Reflective practice This post makes a clear case for the importance of reflective practice as contributing to the effectiveness of online learning. While the use of diverse digital tools for the capture of immediate reflections, to ensure effective learning is important, further development of these reflections in to more substantive, … Read more

Learning for the future of work

I’ve been looking at the SITRA studies on Perspectives on new work: exploring emerging conceptualisations edited by Esko Kilpi which includes lots of different perspectives on learning and the future of work and is a really interesting read The study explores learning and work in the knowledge-based or weightless economy and knowledge work where such work is understood as … Read more

Learning techniques – for education and life

An interesting and useful read from Harold Jarche on learning techniques framed in terms of PKM and sense-making. As with many areas of knowledge and learning, the post (and the research article cited – and summarised here) highlight the tendency towards shallow learning techniques and the avoidance of the more valuable, but harder, techniques of … Read more

Informal learning & Web 2.0

Interesting to see a number of reports pulling together increasing recognition of informal workplace learning [it was always the most common way of learning at work – unless you had ceased to think] along with increased authorised/ unauthorised use of Web2.0 applications for learning. See for example, here and here. Although, for me its a … Read more

5 “things” to promote learning in projects

1: generate immoveable deadlines – forcing project teams to focus on what is required (to meet the milestone) and to rethink problems and look for creative solutions 2: encourage cross-functional teams and/or construct teams of people who rarely or never work together – enhances the chances for new thinking between different disciplines and the reframing … Read more

Team learning, knowledge and CoPs

Following on from my previous post on team learning and another on collaboration I’m working on processes of organisational learning and the transfer of lessons learned through project activity to the wider organisation. As a project team disbands and takes it learning on to new projects there is a basic and obvious mechanism for transfer … Read more