Learning design for higher education

This is a really useful thread of learning design frameworks in higher education. A thread compiling #LearningDesign #frameworks, #toolkits and other delights in #HigherEducation – please add to pic.twitter.com/vz8GLKn31Y — Danielle M Hinton, SFHEA (@hintondm) February 21, 2019 This has proved to be a popular thread and compiles a good list of useful resources. A … Read more

A toolkit for learning

I’m in the process of reviewing the various digital tools I use for learning at work. Jane Harts’ Modern Professional Learner’s Toolkit framework as used by Harold Jarche, Brian Quinn and Mike Taylor looks like a useful starting point. Browsers & search engines: I mainly use Firefox Quantum and Google although I’m getting used to DuckDuckGo but I’m not familiar enough with it … Read more

Social Network Analysis and Digital Data Analysis

Notes on a presentation by Pablo Paredes. The abstract for the seminar is: This presentation will be about how to make social network analysis from social media services such as Facebook and Twitter. Although traditional SNA packages are able to analyse data from any source, the volume of data from these new services can make … Read more

What do you use to collate your learning?

I’ve been looking at ePortfolios recently. Partly as a project I’m working on uses an ePortfolio for technician language learners  – which I’ve written more on here – but also I’ve become more interested in the importance of curation in e-learning. But ePortfolios just never really seemed to work for me. As Martin Weber stated: They … Read more

Tools of e-learning

I noticed this post from the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies [CL4PT] on ten key tools for learning. There’s a very clear triangle forming of course/ content “authorware” [eg, screenr or prezi], collaboration tools [eg, etherpad or dimdim] and individual tools [eg, evernote or arguable posterour]. This highlighted a question would be how these … Read more