Digital Badges

Initial sketch for structure of Digital Badges

I’m currently working on an open content course – the learner proposes the learning activities, the evidence they will gather and how they will demonstrate that they have met the agreed learning outcomes. It is pretty interesting stuff and opens up huge opportunities for experimenting on learning and education. To help in keeping students on track … Read more

Open innovators

There’s an interesting series of blogs from Nesta and 100%Open on a joint project on supporting open innovation in charities which can be found here. The main common points emerging for charities to further develop, although these could be applicable for any organisation, are: Breaking down internal siloes Focusing innovation investment on core business concerns such as increasing … Read more

Social network: knowledge and learning at work

Here are my slides from a workshop held for the University Forum for Human Resource Development (UHRD) Social media and workplace learning & knowledge from Peter Evans My talk was followed by Amy Woodgate talking about the University of Edinburgh‘s experience with MOOCs. There is a detailed report on the University’s first round of MOOCs … Read more

Designing culture

An interesting summary post here from Emergent by Design on organisational culture and learning for adaptive capacity giving a summary of The Culture Game book. I would particularly pick out the following the implied double-loop learning of examine your norms. As the post goes on to state: Treating various tasks and interactions as experiments has … Read more

Visualising open education

An interesting post on open education from Amber Thomas that explicitly acknowledges two key aspects: the tensions within [open is not necessarily “good” in the eyes of all] and the economics of [provision costs]. The concluding image emphasising the porous boundaries of both learning institutions and the learners’ concept of learning and how that opens … Read more

Next Generation University?

Came across an interesting post here on profound changes to higher education. To quote: New alternative paths towards higher education are opening up every month. The growth of open educational resources mean that the content for a course is freely available and does not need to be developed by the university or school. Collaborative learning … Read more

riding the Google Wave

… well technically more like watching someone else ride the Wave. Anyway, a very clear and helpful post on Google Wave from Dion Hinchcliffe here. The potential of Wave in terms as [tacit/ social] knowledge ‘management’, collaboration and learning is immense [or will be a big disappointment – assuming, of course, that organisations have the … Read more