Ethnographic study of experiences online

I came across this quote in Veletsianos Open practices and identity: Evidence from researchers and educators’ social media participation which strikes me as a useful approach to auto-ethnographic research of (online) experiences in different contexts: This study was influenced by cyberethnography (Ward, 1999) and virtual ethnography (Hine, 2000). However, unlike these analytical approaches, and akin to Watulak (2011), instead of doing ethnography (Green … Read more

Freelance Film workers in Beirut: An Ethnographic Network Analysis by Arek Dakessian,

These are some rough notes on this presentation from a series of seminars run by the Social Network Analysis Group in Scotland (SNAS). The intro to the talk states: Arek is a first year PhD student in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, and his research mainly revolves around networks of cultural production in cities, … Read more

Twitter and micro-blogging notes – part 4 – 10 April

Sociotechnical mediation in learning communities by Xavier Inghilterra Research supported by a French agency supporting technology development. The study is focused on corporate training and to address key challenges in distance training: high drop out rates attendance at lecture courses declining active engagement in training also declining Problem is on how to retain student interest through … Read more

Notes from Twitter and Microblogging: Political, Professional and Personal Practices. 10 April

These are notes from the Twitter and Micro-blogging conference at Lancaster University.  The full programme can be found on Lanyard. Elizabeth Merkhofer from Georgetown University  is speaking on : search as sociality An ethnography of a hashtag situated on a page rather than in terms of users but rather concerned with social ordering in a web page. Using micro-meme … Read more