UFHRD Conference – 7 June 2013

… and here we go on the final day of the UFHRD Conference on Friday 7 June. I’m only covering the opening keynote and then travelling home. The keynote is by Stephen McNair  (Centre for Research in the Older Workforce) “Work and Learning in Later Life”. Mostly talks to policy audiences which, compared to an … Read more

The Future of Work

This post from Neil Usher (@workessence) sums up nicely the dilemmas presented in the future of work discourses: The future of work: it’s going to be dispersed flexible agile dexterous and very bendy and driven by presence-mimicking technology and sophisticated collaborative tools replicating our everyday functionality that mean we don’t have to be in the office at all … Read more

Nomadic work

These are the notes I took at a seminar on 11 May 2012 by Barbara Czarniawska at the Edinburgh University Business School on Nomadic Work. The seminar presented some initial research on nomadic work asking the question: who are the contemporary nomads? Suffering of “nomadness” and how to define nomadic working. Czarniawska asked if she … Read more