Learning Insights ….

Kineo, the e-learning company, have issued a new report on e-learning insights based on interviews with “learning leaders” to identify key emerging trends. I’m not going to repeat the report but will look at a few of their ten key insights: 1. Learning is pervasive. Learning is continuous, collaborative and connected and most learning lives outside … Read more

Personal knowledge networks

I’ve just been reading Knowledge Management: A Personal Knowledge Network Perspective in the Journal of Knowledge Management. The Author, Mohammed Chatti has made a pre-publication version available here. As stated in the abstract: The PKN model views knowledge as a personal network and represents a knowledge ecological approach to KM the emphasis here is on … Read more

Innovation as knowing, experience and action?

These are some very rough initial thoughts that I hope to develop over a couple of posts. Building on an earlier post on learning, creativity & innovation summarising that (a) innovation occurs through learning and (b) learning is a social/ collaborative process (and so innovation is also a collaborative process) it is clear that innovation … Read more

The Knowledge Management Observatory™ Global 2011 Survey

This survey at https://www.survey.ed.ac.uk/kmoglobal2011 has been designed for senior managers, executive managers or knowledge managers in organisations; consultants are encouraged to contribute, but this data will be separated out in the data analysis. The Knowledge Management Observatory™ Global 2011 Survey has been designed to examine Knowledge Management activity across countries and sectors. Your responses will … Read more

Situated knowledge management

Thinking through the links between knowledge management and learning via this post from Jack Vinson, reinforces to me the importance of situated learning, ie, that powerful learning occurs when it takes places directly in the situation the learning will/ should be applied. Thus the continued focus on work-based learning, learning by doing, informal learning, sitting … Read more

Some interesting stuff

Here’s a link to some interesting links on creativity and innovation – worth exploring. Further interesting and thoughtful argument on Google‘s branding from Umair Haque although I’m not convinced that a traditional approach to branding automatically leads to plastering your home page with Ads – altho’ that would be a traditional strategy from an advertisers … Read more