A toolkit for learning

I’m in the process of reviewing the various digital tools I use for learning at work. Jane Harts’ Modern Professional Learner’s Toolkit framework as used by Harold Jarche, Brian Quinn and Mike Taylor looks like a useful starting point. Browsers & search engines: I mainly use Firefox Quantum and Google although I’m getting used to DuckDuckGo but I’m not familiar enough with it … Read more

LinkedIn network map

This is a very short post on my LinkedIn network map.  The identification of three distinct clusters of contacts is interesting and (kind of) makes sense. What is particularly useful is identifying the links between clusters that ‘should’ be stronger. In terms of developing a professional personal learning network as part of a personal learning environment, … Read more

Personal knowledge networks

I’ve just been reading Knowledge Management: A Personal Knowledge Network Perspective in the Journal of Knowledge Management. The Author, Mohammed Chatti has made a pre-publication version available here. As stated in the abstract: The PKN model views knowledge as a personal network and represents a knowledge ecological approach to KM the emphasis here is on … Read more

learning environments and networks

A great post from Stephen Downes here on personal learning environments [PLEs] and reflecting on the experience of running the connectivism course. I was taken with the argument that the value PLEs is greatly enhanced by extending social networks – a similar argument to the one made here by Malinka Ivanova. The paper reminded me … Read more