Learning innovations and digital education

An interesting report on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) from Open University based academics. The report discusses: 1. what is TEL but in terms of technologies “add value to” (enhancing) teaching and learning rather than being indivisible from or enmeshed in teaching and learning. Can you imagine teaching and learning without any technologies (digital of otherwise)? … Read more

UFHRD Conference 6 June 2013

Day two of the UFHRD Conference at Brighton University Business School. The opening Keynote is by Prof. Aleksy Pocztowski speaking on “Adding Value from HRD in International Assignments”. Talking about HRD at work and as a part of the HR function and general management in the context of international assignments. There is a case to be made … Read more

UFHRD Conference 5 June 2013

This years UFHRD conference is themed on human resource development (HRD) and the challenges and opportunities in times of economic uncertainty. I’ll be life blogging the event as best I can (including a disregard for the conventions of spelling, syntax and grammer). First up is a keynote address from Kathryn Mountford, Head of HR at the … Read more

Digital Scholarship: day of ideas 2

I’m listening now to Tara McPherson on humanities research in a networked world as the opening session of the Digital Scholarship day of ideas. (I’ve started late due to a change in the start-time). Discussing how large data sets can be presented in a variety of interfaces: for schools; researchers; publishers and only now beginning to realise the variety … Read more

Twitter and micro-blogging notes on day 2

These are notes from the Twitter and Micro-blogging conference at Lancaster University for day 2.  The full programme can be found on Lanyard.The Twitter hastag is #LUTwit Conceptualising Twitter as a discourse system by @mdanganh Looked at the Function of the # – lead to theory of contextualisation based on John J Gumperz conversational inference and contextualisation cues as surface feature … Read more

Nomadic work

These are the notes I took at a seminar on 11 May 2012 by Barbara Czarniawska at the Edinburgh University Business School on Nomadic Work. The seminar presented some initial research on nomadic work asking the question: who are the contemporary nomads? Suffering of “nomadness” and how to define nomadic working. Czarniawska asked if she … Read more

The Knowledge Management Observatory™ Global 2011 Survey

This survey at https://www.survey.ed.ac.uk/kmoglobal2011 has been designed for senior managers, executive managers or knowledge managers in organisations; consultants are encouraged to contribute, but this data will be separated out in the data analysis. The Knowledge Management Observatory™ Global 2011 Survey has been designed to examine Knowledge Management activity across countries and sectors. Your responses will … Read more