Network Learning Conference

More from the Network Learning Conference with Peter Jandric on Research Methods & the post-disciplinary challenge of network learning. Good research has an ‘itch to scratch’. In the case of network learning, there is a range of different methodological approaches. Raises the question on how to compare and synthesise different approaches in network learning? The … Read more

Digital Scholarship: day of ideas 2

I’m listening now to Tara McPherson on humanities research in a networked world as the opening session of the Digital Scholarship day of ideas. (I’ve started late due to a change in the start-time). Discussing how large data sets can be presented in a variety of interfaces: for schools; researchers; publishers and only now beginning to realise the variety … Read more

Twitter and micro-blogging notes on day 2

These are notes from the Twitter and Micro-blogging conference at Lancaster University for day 2.  The full programme can be found on Lanyard.The Twitter hastag is #LUTwit Conceptualising Twitter as a discourse system by @mdanganh Looked at the Function of the # – lead to theory of contextualisation based on John J Gumperz conversational inference and contextualisation cues as surface feature … Read more

Web 2.0 and actor network theory

Web 2.0 has emerged as a label for the culmination of incremental developments in software and network technologies over the last twenty years or so that focus on user-generated content and interaction around that content. Whether Web 2.0 represents a paradigm shift in the World Wide Web or the outcomes of various incremental changes remains … Read more