Creating Living Knowledge: the Connected Communities programme and what it tells us about university-community partnership

These are my notes from a Digital Education Seminar at the University of Edinburgh by Professor Keri Facer on the Connected Communities research programme. As ever with these posts, my record is partial and bias and possibly includes some inaccuracies (but not on purpose).  The seminar was opened by Prof Sian Bayne to introduce Keri as Professor of Educational and Social … Read more

eLearning@ Edinburgh

Creative Commons logo in lego

I’m attending the eLearning@Ed 2015 conference and will be attempting to live blog throughout the day. Melissa Highton, Director of Learning Teaching and Web Services here at Edinburgh is starting the conference and the theme of Designing for 21st Century Learning. Wanted to ask what 21st century learning might be and how it might be different from 20th century. … Read more

Solid learning melts in to air

I’m at the start of the process of scoping a literature review of social software in workplace learning. Some of the literature on collaboration is proving interesting: Collaboration and co-creation: emphasises the social aspects of social software and Web 2.0 technologies as ESSPs (McAfee 2009) in creating collaborative learning environments that promote knowledge exchange, interpersonal … Read more