Its been a couple of weeks since I started using twitter. Like some others I’ve been an erratic user. Initially (and perhaps, still) it can feel a bit overwhelming and a time sink – so many people to follow. A few things stand out:
– offers of support/ advice came almost immediately (thanks harold, Christian,Shawn)
– some of my followers seem very random
– limiting my Twitter use to a couple of time a day seems sensible yet slightly not in the spirit
– I’m very poor at using my iTouch or mobile for tweets
– I really enjoy the sense of serendipity it brings.
I’m still embedding twitter into the jumble of apps I loosely term my personal learning environment [PLE] but Twitter feels right as a sort of wide end of the funnel, pulling in the useful, not so useful and very un-useful bits of information. It also helps build a sense of being part of a wider community and what will be interesting to me is to think through the interface between Twitter, other tools (eg, blogs) and the concept of the Zone of Proximal Development. I’m not ready to make any sort of reasoned comment on that yet but it will be the subject of a future post ….