Resilience and higher education

social network

Weller’s notion of resilience is proposed as an alternative perspective on change in education systems and institutions that provides a generative alternative to the ‘education is broken’ narrative. For this, he draws on resilience in terms of the stability of ecological systems and the ability of systems to absorb change.  Resilience is, therefore, not simply … Read more

Unbundling Higher Education

Returning to the topic of unbundling universities, this sketchnote is based on some of my notes from the Unbundling Higher Education Coursera course that I discussed here. The analytic approaches undertaken by the research project that underpins this MOOC gives a really useful starting point for studying the unbundling of universities. The study focused on … Read more

The gatherings of a ‘smart’ university

Ben Williamson has written a great post here on the concept and realities of a smart, quantified and data driven university. The post outlines the increasingly overt positioning of universities as conduits for data collection, analysis and exploitation. The datafication of universities as the ‘smart university’ or ‘intelligent campus’ provides a clear pathway for the … Read more

What is unbundling in higher education and why is it happening?

I’m starting the unbundling the university course on Future Learn. This course is an example of a MOOC as research dissemination activity as it based on the findings of the: The Unbundled University: Researching Emerging Models in an Unequal Landscape. The research project was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (UK) and National … Read more

The LinkedIn Platform in higher education

This is a fascinating article on the impacted of the LinkedIn platform on universities by Janja Komljenovic. The paper: focuses on LinkedIn to start tackling the question of the effects on higher education as a sector, its actors and the established social practices. It argues that LinkedIn moves beyond the passivity of advertising to its … Read more

Artificial intelligence and the disintermediation of Learning & Development

This is a really interesting post on artificial intelligence and disintermediation of Learning & Development. Are the current professional qualification frameworks developing practitioners with the future-relevant capabilities? Implementing a capability framework is an opportunity to engage and support managers with the development of their people – some thoughts from a conversation I had with an … Read more

Learning entrepreneurship through coworking

I have been reading Tom Butcher’s paper on Learning everyday entrepreneurial practices through coworking. I was interested in this partly as coworking is a specific manifestation of wider changes in the economy associated with the knowledge and/ or ‘weightless’ economy and with increasingly atomised and precarious workforce. As this paper notes, coworking can be a site of experimentation of new … Read more

Creativity and Innovation

I’m following the Design Thinking and Creativity for Innovation course on EdX. The initial video with Tim Kastelle [] draws together creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation in improving ideas to create value whether for individuals or organisations. He quotes a definition of creativity as creating something that is both novel and ‘useful’ which seems to me to … Read more

Learning for the future of work

I’ve been looking at the SITRA studies on Perspectives on new work: exploring emerging conceptualisations edited by Esko Kilpi which includes lots of different perspectives on learning and the future of work and is a really interesting read The study explores learning and work in the knowledge-based or weightless economy and knowledge work where such work is understood as … Read more

Artificial intelligence in education and learning

This is just a quick post as I’m reading up a bit on AI in education and was taken with the following quote from the Pearson Report Intelligence Unleashed: The increasing range of data capture devices – such as biological data, voice recognition, and eye tracking – will enable AIEd systems to provide new types of … Read more