Interesting Big Question! on getting help/ answers on-line. The question builds on the Work Literacy course – web 2.0 for learning – where I’ve been lurking rather than participating. I feel a little guilty about it as I’ve got more out of it than I’ve put in (obviously). My main excuse for not participating has been finding the time to make a valuable input. However, as a result of the course I’ve decided (a) I need to allocate more time to (net)working on-line and to schedule time for it and (b) reduce the number of feeds I subscribe to. Maybe the two are related?
I’m afraid my preferences in asking for help, advice etc. is still off-line but I know the on-line world provides a lot of value – potentially… what impressed me about the web 2.0 for learning course was seeing a community in action and the potential of participating in that community for learning and development.