Enterprise 2.0 – it shouldn’t be about the technology

A nice post here from Stephen Dale about web 2.0 as the “blinding light of Web 2.0 hype seems to be obscuring the fact that the most important aspect in building any community (of interest or practice or whatever) is the people and NOT the technology. Though I do appear to be an increasingly isolated voice on this point.” I think this applies as strongly – and probably more so – to organisations and the whole momentum around enterprise 2.0. As I’ve argued before, the valua proposition of enterprise 2.0 is the impact on organisational culture (learning-centric, non-hierarchical, outward focused, collaborative, etc…. ) and not the technology itself.

(Of course, I can also be accused of taking all the positive potentials of organisations and labelling them E2.0 but that is probably a separate issues!)

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